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Never Forget Your Medication Again.
What is SmartyPill?
SmartyPill is an automatic pill and water dispenser that ensures you’re taking the right pills at the right time. With customizable alerts and a connected app, SmartyPill is the perfect in-home companion for any medication adherent lifestyle.
Small & Compact
Alexa Support
App Control
Easy Sorting
Multiple Users
Pill Dispensing
Water Dispensing
Low Supply Alert
Late or Missed Dose alert
Medication Adherence Tracking
What will you take back with SmartyPill?
— Take back your
No more spending hours on end filling prescription containers or worrying about when it’s time to take your medication. You will save hours every week knowing that your SmartyPill device is constantly managing your medication schedule. We know that schedules are always changing and that’s why we make it easy to change when your medication will be dispensed.
Retaining independence is vitally important to mental health and wellbeing, regardless of how many medications you take. With timely reminders and in-home connectivity, SmartyPill provides a seamless transition to affordable and dependable in-home medication assistance for all ages and lifestyles.
Peace of Mind
Whether SmartyPill is for yourself or a loved one, you can be rest assured knowing that your medications are being handled and dispensed at the right times. With a network of sensors, SmartyPill will notify you if the medications have not been removed from the device.
SmartyPill can help you remain healthier while on your medication. By keeping track of late doses, missed doses, and notifying friends, family members, and doctors, SmartyPill provides as much information as possible so that in case of illness, you have the most comprehensive information.
Peace of Mind
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